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dc.contributor.authorLópez Cádiz, Cecilia
dc.description.abstractThe four last decades on the Panama Republic has been characterized by deep contradictions, that has been taken influence on the panamenian livings this is shown on politics. Economics and social From the political paint of view Panama suffers the effects of a coup d etat given by militaries on 1968. and as so they established a government with military characteristics having the support of civilians, and the beginning of a process fundamentaly on the way of a military dome and has as a principal figure to Omar Torrijos Herrera. who takes care as Government leader, juristic figure created by the political constitution of 1972 (transition article) Into the political transformation of the decade from 1970-1980 are: the creation of an incipient popular power called National Assembly of corregiments. Formed by 505 representatives and they formed the legislative organ these took a short existence The transformation given on political orders limited its actions in order to look after the needs of each corregiments and they created a new political constitution which took off the constitution of 1946 The 1942 constitution established the forms in order to take part of the economics activities of the state, to increase the development of mix business privates and public, some of the articles given on this Constitution were reformed or taken apart. due to dictatorial shades On the international from the political point of view the decade of the 70 -801if was to maintain the politic of no alignment and the mutual respect between the states and by the sign of the treaties Torrijos- Carter. outting and end to the disputes crised of the treaty Hay-Buneau Varilla main point of the nationality fights of the panamanian people The political project of the 70 came down gradually due to its principal manager who died in july 1981, Omar Torrijos Herrera On the decade of 80-90 a political crisis come to the top end finished with the northeamerican invasion on december 1989 and it is writen on the republican history now The general panoramic is as follow: Period of coup dictats, social strikes, economical crisis. Political crisis due to the economic embargo made by northeamerican government to Panama, persistancy of the militaries for keeping their power, fraudulent elections, cruel killings of politic adversaries Hugo Spadafora Franco tied direct or indirect to the military bodies, decades of resigns and to depose presidents, period math many political view era called the great political nightmare of the 80 Among the main economic aspects we have: the enrichment of militaries, the nepotism, the squandering were characteristics of that time as some sociologists point The political problem of main relevance on that period was the seriously confront of Panama and the U.S.A.. motived by the participation of the chief of the Public Force of Panama (Manuel Antonio Noriega) in the traffic and cross over the drugs to U.S.A., eho accused him of it and to be gestor of a strong military dictadure The confrontations finished with the invasion to Panama by the northeamericans on December 20. 1989, the consecuencias are not clear until today. After the invassion for the northeamericans to Panama we enter to a new political phase wich is called rebuild and reconciliation On may 2 , 2004 panamanian citizens perform the rights to vote. between the frame of autonomy , independence and total liberty.es_ES
dc.publisherUniversidad Autónoma de Chiriquí.es_ES
dc.titleEvolución histórica del sistema democrático en Panamá y su impacto conyuntural en los aspectos político, económico y social del País.es_ES

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