Recent Submissions

  • Abundancia relativa y proporción de sexos de Platyrrhinus vittatus en un bosque nuboso de Panamá 

    Samudio, Rafael; Pino, Jorge Luis; Carrión, Julieta (Congreso Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Murciélagos, 2017)
  • Importancia de la colaboración en la investigación y producción científica 

    Pino, Jorge Luis (Publicación del Sistema Integrado de Divulgación Científica UNACHI, 2016-09)
  • Modelo matemático para determinar la correlación entre parámetros fisicoquímicos y la calidad sensorial del café Geisha y Pacamara de Panamá. 

    Vega, Aracelly; De León, Javier A.; Reyes, Stephanie M.; Gallardo, José M. (Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2021)
    The main objective of this research study was to develop a mathematical model to predict the score that indicates coffee’s sensory quality. To develop the model, the study examined 11 physicochemical parameters, 34 coffee ...
  • Studying Mammals in Panama 

    Pino, Jorge Luis (Boletín electrónico del PCP-PIRE. Florida Museum of Natural History, 2012-05)
    I am a doctoral candidate at the University of Florida with interests in molecular systematics, phylogeography, biogeography and community ecology of Neotropical mammals. I am currently working on the evolutionary history ...
  • Getting to know wild cats: A key component for felids conservation in Panama and the Neotropics 

    Pino, Jorge Luis (Boletín electrónico del PCP-PIRE. Florida Museum of Natural History, 2012-09)
    After a year of designing it as class project, the exhibit “Wild Cats of Panama” is now a reality traveling across Panama. This exhibition was planned during the course Broader Impacts, offered by the PCP-PIRE at the ...
  • Ranas dardo venenosas (Dendrobatidae) y su importancia en la biospropección de moléculas bioactivas en los últimos tiempos: una revisión 

    Gutiérrez, K.; Morales, R.; Pino, J. (Revista de Iniciación Científica, 2018)
    Gutiérrez, K.; Morales, R. & Pino, J. 2018. Ranas dardo venenosas (Dendrobatidae) y su importancia en la biospropección de moléculas bioactivas en los últimos tiempos: una revisión. Revista de Iniciación Científica 4: ...
  • Fossil tooth of a cookie cutter shark (Isistius triangulus) from the late Miocene of Panama 

    Pino, J.L. (Puente Biológico, 2014)
    Pino, J.L. 2014. Fossil tooth of a cookie cutter shark (Isistius triangulus) from the late Miocene of Panama. Puente Biológico 6: 41-49.
  • Mamíferos Terrestres de Bahía Honda (Veraguas, Panamá) 

    Samudio, R.; Pino, J. (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2005-12)
    Samudio, R. & Pino, J. 2005. Mamíferos Terrestres de Bahía Honda (Veraguas, Panamá). Castroviejo, S. & Ibáñez, A. (eds.): Estudios Sobre la Biodiversidad de la Región de Bahía Honda (Veraguas, Panamá). Consejo Superior de ...
  • Caso práctico Martina y Emir vs Panamá 

    Ayala, Erick Enoc; Laura B, Oswaldo (Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, UNACHI, 2019)
    Professional development involves the study of other aspects of the law, as well as its applicability in the international framework; for this reason, being students of the Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Constitutional ...
  • Caso práctico Mike Montenegro 

    Gonzalez Ferrari, Ana Elida; Gutierrez Almengor, Irina U. (Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, UNACHI, 2019)
    An analysis is made of a Panamanian case, related to a deficient public health service, and the possibility that the right to health, be claimed before national and international organizations, having as a frame of reference ...
  • Caso maestro Herasto 

    Orribarra, Jacob Alonso (Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, UNACHI, 2019)
    The Autonomous University of Chiriquí, has in its academic offer the Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Constitutional Justice, which within its curriculum has the subject “Inter-American System and Compliance with the ...
  • El control de convencionalidad y su aplicación en Panamá 

    Isaza, henry Eyner (Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, UNACHI, 2019)
    Control of conventionality is a mechanism that the Inter-American Court of human rights, in the event that domestic law is incompatible with the American Convention on human rights and other treaties that make part of the ...
  • Caso Domitila C. 

    Berastegui Morales, Oderay Haydee; Romero Pérez, Saida María (Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, UNACHI, 2019)
    Human rights activism has undergone important transformations in recent decades in Latin America. As is well known, international human rights law served as a cornerstone to resist dictatorships in the region, and to ...
  • Caso Clementina J. 

    Hidalgo Martínez, Jéssica Elizabeth; Rodriguez, Enrique Arcenio (Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, UNACHI, 2019)
    Abstract: Reproductive rights have recently been recognized as Human Rights, and their regulation is subsumed in various conventions ratified by the Republic of Panama, but which are not backed by national regulations, and ...

    Cuestas, Carlos Humberto (Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, UNACHI, 2019)
    La lectura-interpretación constituye el campo de prueba del jurista. El estudioso del Derecho que no sepa interpretar los textos jurídicos, en particular, las sentencias judiciales, no es en realidad, un jurista, no importa ...

    Espinoza- Villarreal, Virgilio (2019)
    The problem of solid waste is an issue of global importance due to the socio-environmental and unsanitary conditions that influence negatively the quality of life of citizens and the ecosystem. The current reality forces to ...

    Adames Samudio, Isabel Aminta (Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, UNACHI, 2019)
    The Hague Convention of 1954 is part of International Humanitarian Law, its main objective being the regulation of the commitments assumed by States to protect cultural property in the event of armed conflict, whether ...
  • Derecho Penal y directivos de empresas 

    Rodríguez Estévez, Juan María (Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, UNACHI, 2019)
    Abstract: In the following presentation the problem of the compliance or compliment officer like an imputation factor of corporate criminal liability is approached. This is, when opting for a model of criminal liability ...
  • Planteamientos teórico doctrinales sobre las diversas formas de entender la democracia, Parte I. 

    Rodriguez, Adriana (Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, UNACHI, 2019)
    Abstract: Democracy as a set of political experiences, institutions, values and culture allows in his study to understand its latent evolution in the various approaches both the doctrinal order even to the so-called inte ...
  • New Security Architecture for IoT Network 

    Flauzac, Olivier; Gonzalez Santamaría, Carlos Javier; Nolot, Florent (Procedia Computer Science, 2015)
    We explain the notion of security architecture for Internet of Things (IoT) based on software-defined networking (SDN). In this context, the SDN-based architecture works with or without infrastructure, that we call SDN-Domain. ...

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