Determinación de la ocurrencia de Escherichia coli 157:H7 y salmonella typhimurium en Brassica Oleraceae Linneo 1753 y Latuca Sativa Linneo 1753 procedentes del distrito de Tierras Altas, en Chiriquí, Panamá.
El consumo de frutas y hortalizas frescas son de gran importancia y la disponibilidad
de estos productos en el mercado local y mundial ha contribuido a un aumento en el
consumo diario en la dieta de los habitantes, Cabe mencionar que el actual
Incremento reciente de los casos de enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos
asociadas a las hortalizas frescas, en especial el repollo y lechuga, ha sido una
preocupación entre los organismos de salud pública y los consumidores. En este
sentido, elinterés principales la inocuidad de estos productos.
Las fuentes y mecanismos de contaminación de las frutas y hortalizas durante su
cultivo, cosecha, procesamiento y empacado deben apegarse a prácticas sanitarias
para minimizar el riesgo de contaminación por patógenos. Los vegetales son
alimentos con una elevada carga bacteriana, no solo porque se cultivan en los
suelos, sino también porque se consumen de forma directa, es decir, no se someten
a ningún tratamiento previo a la ingesta con capacidad para eliminar posibles
Como elresto de variedades de coles, elrepollo es una buena fuente de vitamina C y
folatos. Aporta cantidades apreciables de potasio, hierro, fósforo y. en menor
cantidad, de calcio. También es importante su contenido en fibra (voluble e
insoluble), lo que favorece eltránsito intestinaly ayuda a combatir elestreñimiento.
además de contribuir a la prevención de diversas enfermedades. La lechuga es
extremadamente nutritiva. Es rica en minerales, vitaminas y otros nutrientes
esenciales. Consumirla como parte delalimento diario dentro de la comida diaria
brindar beneficios para la piel, elcabello y la salud integral. También puede ayudar a
resolver problemas se salud. The consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables are of great importance. and the
availability of these products in the national and global market, has contributed to an
increase in daily consumption in the diet of the inhabitants. It should be mentioned
that the recent increase in cases of foodborne diseases associated with mesh
vegetables, especially cabbage and lettuce, has been a concern among public health
agencies and consumers regarding the safety of these products. A prominent
pathogen in vegetables and fruits is Salmonella. The sources and mechanisms of
contamination of fruits and vegetables during their cultivation, harvesting, processing
and packaging must adhere to sanitary practices to minimize the risk of contamination
by pathogens. Vegetables are foods with a high bacterial load, not only because they
are grown in soils, but also because they are consumed directly, that is, they do not
undergo any treatment prior to ingestion with the capacity to eliminate possible
Like the other varieties of cabbages, cabbage is a good source of vitamin C and
folates. It contributes appreciable amounts of potassium, iron, phosphorus and, in
smaller quantity, of calcium. Also important is its fiber content (soluble and insoluble).
which favors intestinal transit and helps combat constipation, as well as contributing
to the prevention of various diseases. The lettuce is extremely nutritious. It is rich in
minerals, vitamins and other essential nutrients. Consume it as part of the daily food
within the daily meal to provide benefilts for the skin, hair and integral health. It can
also help solve health problems.
There is no clear explanation of how pathogens such as Listeria monocytgenes, Salmnoella enterica or E. Coli are hooked on the leaves of vegetables
The most common bacteria are Salmonella typhy, Listeria monocytogenes, vibirio
cholerae, Escherichla coliand Leptospira Interrogans, which cause typhoid fever,
gastroenteritis, cholera, diarrhea and leptospirosis, respectively, among other
Salmonella species and Escherichia coli present in lettuce and cabbage from the
Highlands area, Chiriqui were identified. For the determination of the presence of
these species, samples of cabbage of the varieties Roman. hybrid, beluga, oak leaf
and iverna) and lettuce varieties Xerox, improved (Green boyer and Lombard) were
used. By means of biochemical and serological tests, twelve strains of Escherichla
coli in cabbage and lettuce and thirteen species of Salmonella
no enteriditis were
identified. Of the Escherichla species found, the enterohemorrhagic variety was not
detected. The samples were positive for S. ebterutudus variety typhimurium in all the
samples collected. The results rule out the risk of salmonellosis or Hemolytic Uremic
Syndrome (HUS) among the consumers of the horticultural products in question.
- Maestría en Biología [32]