Hongos ectomicorrícicos y ectomicorrizas de Quercus Insignis (FAGACEAE) en la reserva forestal Fortuna, Chiriquí, Panamá.
In the cloud forests of Fortuna Forest Reserve (FFR) there is a wealth of species of fungi
involved in the conservation of forest communities through its simbiotic association with
ectomycorrhizae. In these forests we find the species Quercus insignis (Fagaceae)
forming obligatory symbiosis with a great diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi During 10
months of sampling was studied the composition and diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi
with fruiting bodies (HEIM) and ectomycorrhizal roots in five trees of Q. Insignis in Quebrada Honda A of FFR, Gualaca, Chiriqui, Panama. We recorded 34 ECM fungal
taxa, of which 17 are new records in Panama. The most diverse were Russula (13 spp.),
Cortimarians (3 spp.), Laccaria (3 spp.), Lactarius(3 spp.) and Inocybe (2 spp.). Laccaria
sp. was the most frequent and common among the five trees of Qs. The species
Amanita sorcula, t. Phylloportts ef. centroamerican. Cantharellus lateiritus, Cratereullus boyacensiss. Veligaster mitidus are endemic especies if Querecus forest in América centrral.
Morpho-anatomical description of some of the ECM found found in the roots of Q. Insignis on natural eviroment, finding the Ascomycota). In Basidiomycora the general( Russla, Sebacina, Thelephora and Tomentella). Also included morpho-anatomical descritpion of the ECM under the provisional name Quercirhiza protecta. Molecular analysis of ITS sequences allowed the preliminary identification of Rusula cerolens and R. CF. cyanoxantha with significant percentage of greather than 97% similarity.
- Maestría en Biología [32]