Now showing items 22-30 of 30

    • Mitochondrial DNA diversity in the Kuna Amerinds of Panama 

      Batista, Oriana; Kolman, Connie J.; Bermingham, Eldredge (Oxford University Press, 1995)
      Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotype diversity was determined for 63 Chlbcha-speaking Kuna Amerinds sampled widely across their geographic range in eastern Panama^ The Kuna data were compared with mtDNA control region I ...
    • Morfología, fenología, taxonomía y distribución geográfica de las especies de Inga en Chiriquí, Panamá. 

      Vargas Jimenez, Luis Manuel (EDUNACHI: Editorial de la Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2010)
      This research collected Inga species samples in Chiriqui, along all year during 2004-2008 period; this included points located since 0 meter at level of the sea until 2000 meters. It is determined that there are 30 species ...
    • New records and host plants of fly-speck fungi from Panama 

      Hofmann, Tina; Piepenbring, Meike (Fungal diversity, 2006)
      Fly-speck fungi are inconspicuous Ascomycota mainly found in the tropics and subtropics. They form small scutellate fruiting bodies, called thyriothecia, on the surface of host organs. They are plant parasites on living leaves ...
    • New Security Architecture for IoT Network 

      Flauzac, Olivier; Gonzalez Santamaría, Carlos Javier; Nolot, Florent (Procedia Computer Science, 2015)
      We explain the notion of security architecture for Internet of Things (IoT) based on software-defined networking (SDN). In this context, the SDN-based architecture works with or without infrastructure, that we call SDN-Domain. ...
    • Panama, a hot spot for Hermatomyces (Hermatomycetaceae, Pleosporales) with five new species, nd a critical synopsis of the genus 

      Koukol, Ondrej; Delgado, Gregorio; Hofmann, Tina; Piepenbring, Meike (IMA FUNGUS, 2018)
      Five new species belonging to Hermatomyces (Hermatomycetaceae, Pleosporales) are described based on morphological investigations of specimens collected on rotten twigs and stems of various plants in Hermatomyces bifurcatus, ...
    • Planteamientos teórico doctrinales sobre las diversas formas de entender la democracia, Parte I. 

      Rodriguez, Adriana (Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, UNACHI, 2019)
      Abstract: Democracy as a set of political experiences, institutions, values and culture allows in his study to understand its latent evolution in the various approaches both the doctrinal order even to the so-called inte ...
    • El Sangrillo Negro (paramachaerium gruberi Brisicky) especie maderable en peligro de extinción. 

      Vargas Jimenez, Luis Manuel (NATURA, 2002)
      Panama has a varied and rich flora. The total extension it has (75,517 Km2), And in which 9000 species of angiospermae plants (Magnoliophyta Division) from which 1230 (17,3%) are endemic it is an evidence of this. Panama ...
    • SDN based architecture for IoT and improvement of the security 

      Flauzac, Olivier; Gonzalez Santamaría, Carlos Javier; Nolot, Florent; Hachani, Abdelhak (2015 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, 2015)
      —With the exponential growth of devices connected to the Internet, security networks as one of the hardest challenge for network managers. Maintaining and securing such large scale and heterogeneous network is a challenging ...
    • Two new fringe-limbed frogs of the genus Ecnomiohyla (Anura: Hylidae) from Panama 

      Batista, Abel; Hertz, Andreas; Mebert, Konrad; Köhler, Gunther; Lotzkat, Sebastian; Ponce, Marcos; Vesely, Milan (MagnoliaPress, 2014)
      Forest canopy-dwelling frogs are usually among the rarest anuran species observed in the neotropical forest, mainly because they fall outside of the scope of the standard search methods used by herpetologists. During field ...