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dc.contributor.authorMiranda, Maritzel
dc.description.abstractThe new pedagogical strategies require innovation and educational integration therefore. a virtual museum offers students the educational opportunity to approach history. to geDerate interest in eulrure, gain that educational attention from the diversity of the student and to incorporate to the curriculum a teaching-leaming model that ensures the acquisition of basic skills for personal development and access to a historical reality outside the walls that projects education with new forms of learing Itis necessary to keep in mind that a museum is a permanent, immovable institution, at the service of education, culture, socicty, academic training, idiosyncratic But from an acadenls development and research, whether for recreation of education. perspective, museum operators have tried to adapt their projection methodology to a changing society and attractive programs have been incorporated_to gain motivated and interested visitors, even technology has been: integrated_to safeguard heritage, cultural elements and natural However, few are interested in visiting museums and from theacademic projection, learning history through rescarch in museumsimplies_aseries of requirements, planning and coordination that make it difficult to crystallize_an educational modality limited by economic, logistical factors, administrative and of a particular nature The above is the basis for the following research called: Usefiulness of virtual muscums as a historical teaching resource to strengthen the teaching of history at the Beatriz. Miranda de Cabal School, whose objective is. Ta analyze the usefulness of a virtual application of virtual museums as a historical didactic resource to strengthen the eaching of the History of Panama, to 7" prade students at the Beatriz Miranda de Cabal School_ Dolega, Chiriquí.-The type of research used in this study, according ta its approach, is mixed. because the data collected from the instruments, which are then subjected to a process of analysis and interpretation appropriate for quantitative and qualitative relationships Aceording to its scope, it is descriptive correlational, and according to its design it is non-experimental, because statistical analysis is used as an outstanding characteristic. The population under study is made up of the teachers who teach the subject of History of Panamå and 7h grade students from the Beatriz Miranda de Cabal School, to which the instrument was applied to all the teachers and a representative sample corresponding to the students In this case, the survey-type questionnaire with closed answers was used as a data collection technique, the results of which were validated in the SPSS program, and are presented _ in tables and graphs In addition, the_free opinion interview applied to the management staff of the school, validated by expert judgment The_results show that the tcachers believe that the student would_be more receptiveif the subject of museums were developed through a virtual museum application, because they consider: that the teaching-learing process would be much more advantagcous "E In addition, the eacher affirms that the application of virtual museums in the development of the class would be very useful, to carry out pedagogical activities with this type of historical didactic resource, to encourage students' motivation, interest and strengthen their learning While the students affirm that virtual or interactive applications facilitate the connection with historical reality, that allows them: to strengthen learning, through techological means as thebest teaching technique in accordance with virtual reality. For this reason, the present proposal is promoted, which consist of the design of a digital application called the virtual museum of Panama: History and culture, useful in Panamanian history clases, as a historical didactic resource to stregthen learning in the 7th grade students, at the Beatriz Miranda de Cabal School, wich is integrated into the program content of the subject, for the benefit of the students and educational innovation.en_US
dc.description.abstractLas nuevas estrategias pedagógicas requieren de innovación e integración educativa, por ello, un museo virtual ofrece a los estudiantes la oportunidad formativa de acercarse a la historia, de generar interés en la cultura, de ganar esa atención educativa de la diversidad del estudiante y de incorporar al curriculum un modelo de enseñanza- aprendizaje que asegure la adquisición de competencias básicas para el desarrollo personal y el acceso a una realidad histórica extramuros que proyecte la educación con nuevas formas de aprendizaje Es necesario tener presente que un museo es una institución permanente. inmueble, al servicio de la educación, la cultural, la sociedad, la formación académica, al desarrollo _ idiosincrático y para la investigación, ya sea por recreación o educación Pero desde la perspectiva académica, los operadores de los museos han intentado adaptar su atractivos y sumetodología metodología para ganar proyección visitantes a una proyección motivados sociedad e cambiante interesado, y se han hasta a la incorporada tecnología tecnología, programas se ha integrado para la salvaguarda de los elementos patrimoniales, culturales y naturales Sin embargo, pocos son los interesados en visitar los museos y desde la proyección académica, el aprendizaje de la historia mediante la investigación en museos implica una serie de requisitos, planificación y coordinaciones que dificultan-la Cristalización de una modalidad educativa limitada por factores económicos, logísticos administrativos y de índole particular Lo expuesto anteriormente, es la base para el surgimiento de la siguiente Investigación denominada. Utilidad de los museos virtuales como recurso didáctico historico para fortalecer la enseñanza de la historia en el Colegio Beatriz Miranda de Cabal, cuyo objetivo es: Analizar la utilidad de una aplicación virtual de los museos vinuales como recurso didáctico histórico para fortalecer la enseñanza de la historia de Panamá, a los estudiantrs de 7mo grado Del Colegio Beatriz Miranda de Cabal, Dolega, Chiriquí.es_Es
dc.publisherUniversidad Autónoma de Chiriquí.es_ES
dc.titleUtilidad de los museos virtuales como recurso didáctico histyóricos para fortalecer la enseñanza de la historia en el Colegio Beatriz Miranda de Cabal.es_ES

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