La práctica docente universitaria: modelos didácticos subyacentes.
Las nuevas tendencias de la didáctica universitaria han suscitado cambios sustantivos en los planteamientos teóricos del constructivismo, el socio-constructivismo y el enfoque basado en competencias.
Con base en estos planteamientos y la experiencia en la docencia universitaria en la gestión de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, se decide analizar la práctica docente de los profesores, con la finalidad de caracterizar el modelo didáctico que subyace en tales prácticas con interés en fortalecer su desempeño didáctico.
Para ello, se realizó un estudio de enfoque mixto, con diseño transaccional-descriptivo. La población la conformaron once (11) profesores especialistas en didáctica y sesenta y tres (63) estudiantes que cursaban las carreras de Educación Preescolar, Primaria y el profesorado en Educación Media Diversificada, matriculados durante el año académico 2017. Esta población se abordó mediante las técnicas de la encuesta, la observación no participante y el grupo focal, empleando los instrumentos del cuestionario, las notas de campo y el registro en audio y escrito de incidencias.
Los resultados ponen en evidencia que a pesar del nivel formativo en didáctica y las actualizaciones permanentes que reciben los profesores, prevalece el empleo del modelo didáctico clásico, tradicional y semi - conductista en el desempeño didáctico, construido y adoptado desde sus concepciones, creencias y pensamientos, sobre la enseñanza y de las teorías prácticas que han logrado construir; no obstante, también recurren al modelo ecléctico que combina tendencias constructivistas, competenciales y del clásico tradicional. The new university didactic trends have produced substantial modifications in the professors' performance in the teaching profession which have been based on the theoretical foundations of constructivism, the socio-constructivism and on the focus of competencies.
On the basis of these approaches, on the university teaching experience, and on the management of the teaching-learning processes, it has been decided to analyze the professors' teaching practicum with the goal of identifying the teaching models underlying such processes with the interest of strengthening their didactic teaching.
As a result of this, a mixed focus study has been carried out with a transactional descriptive design. The population was formed by eleven (11) professor, specialists in didactic and sixty-three (63) students majoring in preschooler Education, in Elementary School and in High SchooI Diversified Education. They were enrolled in the academic year of 2017. This population was approached by means of survey techniques, the non-participant observation and the focus group using the instruments of questionnaire, the field notes, the audio registration and the written reports of events.
The results evidently demonstrate that regardless the fomlative level in didactic and the permanent uptades ,received by the profeessors, the use of both the classic-didactic-model also known as the traditional one and the semi-conductivist one prevail in the didactic performance of professors. This means tha they create and adapt their teaching style from the way they interpret the teaching theories, their teaching practice that each of them designed on the basis of their teaching experience. It is also relevant to highlight that professor´s implement an electic teaching style when their teaching techniques or strategies used in the classroom reflex a mixture of constructivism, of the development of competencies and the use of classic or traditional approach as well.
In a nutshell, this study proves the prevalence of the traditional style of teaching in the university teaching practicum without overlooking that the eclectic style of teaching remains being in a lower percentage.