Análisis del nivel de implementación de la estrategia decenal de modernización de la educación en la direccion regional de educación de la provincia de Chiriquí. 2000-2001
Analysis of the advlance level of the implementation of modernization decenal strategy of the education in the regional administrative office of education in the province of Chiriquí. 2000-2001.
The present study is based on the frame of modernization Decenal Strategy Of the
Panamanian Education started out by the ministry of Education since 1995 when the 47
Organic Law of Education of 1946 was modified by the 34 law of July 6, 1995. "The main
objective of the investigation is to identify the most important factors and aspects that
determine the level of implementation of the Modernization Decenal Strategy of the
Education. At the same time it pretends fo detect its state of advance specieally in the
Regiona! administrative office of Education of Chiriqui. It considers the established
parameters and concepts in the Modemization Decenal Plan of the Panamanian
Education. The public politics in the educative fields and its planification must help as
tools in the different educative regimes to identify the factors that allow to develop the
diferent levels of educative approaches. The investigation has been conceived at all
transversal cut, because it took into consideration the advance of the implementation of
the Modernization of the Education in the Province of Chiriqui to carry out the
investigation. The object of study is characterized by the level of implernentatlon of the
Modernization Decenal Strategy. Therefore, the informers will be specifically the
ofiicials of the Regional administrative office of Education of Chiriqui: supervisors,
coordinators of department, regional subdirectors, planners, administrator and Regional
Director. The main purpose of the present investigation is the fast application of the
recommendations as a result of the previous studies. It is transversalbecause it makes a
cut of the present situation of the variables that are considered in the investigation. The
investigation is descriptive according to its deepness because it deta ils the characteristics
of the object of study in a tidy, exact and complete way. Finally, the character of the
investigation is qualitative according to the nature of the variables to investigate. It was
necessary to choose for this study three specialists in the implementation of the
Modernization Decenal Strategy and twenty officials of the Regional administrative
office who participated in its discussion. They were choose by chance then they
answered a questionnaire in order to facilitate the processing and in this way to gain
information, or specific answers with its variables and its advance in the implenaentation
of the Modemization Strategy of the Education. Finally, it was showed that the
implementation of the modernization Decenal Strategy of the Education in the Province
of Chiriqui doesn't reach a positive advance level in at the aspects present.: in the
Modernization Decena lStrategy.