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dc.contributor.authorBaules Santamaría, Nallilys N.
dc.description.abstractGlobalization is a phenomenon that has brought an increase in the use of technological tools in many fields of human life. Education is not exempt from this reality- Quality education, for example, is a topic that is always present. We talk about constant changes in order to improve the curriculum, but we also talk about the topic of knowledge on the use of technologies by teachers working in their classrooms. It becomes mandatory involving the use of software to assist teachers and students in making the teaching-learning process meaningful. Currently, Universidad Autonoma de Chiriqui, through the College of Humanities, others a Bachelor in Tourism. It is a degree pursued by students who want to become competent professionals in this field that is so important in a country whose economy is based on service. However, the School of Tourism lacks a software that is useful in the formation of these students. with the aim of hearing an answer to this problem, a study called "Software for Tourism Purposes: Development of Professional Competences in Tourism Students of the College of Humanities, UNACHI 2017-2019' has been conducted. The general objective of the study is to evaluate the application of touristic software and its influence on the development of professional competences that Tourism students of the College of Humanities, UNACH12017-2019, must possess. Regarding the methodology applied, the research is framed by mixed locus studies on the one hand, surveys with the Likert scale were applied, distinguished in the quantitative studies, along with interviews that are common in qualitative. studies regarding the type, it is descriptive, with a non-experimental, transversal, sectional design and with a correlational scope. Regarding the results, it is important to highlight that a validation has been obtained: the influence of the independent variable, the touristic application software, over the dependent variable, professional competences, because with the information collected, it has been proven that the use of a touristic application software aids in the development of skills and abilities of students, and, therefore, it helps them to possess the competences that they require in order to perform well. It is relevant to point out that in the interviews conducted to the authorities. evidence has been collected about the fact that they are interested in improving the teaching learning process they acknowledged the importance of the use of a touristic application software for the formation of competences in students who can have the opportunity to be better prepared given the technological challenges they may face when working in touristic companies that center their fast paced operations in the use of these software.es_ES
dc.titleLos softwares de aplicaicón turística : desarrollo de las competencias profesionales de los estudiantes de turismo de la facultad de humanidades. UNACHI 2017- 2019.es_ES

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