Tesis: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 301-320 de 329
Efecto de la construcción de identidad con el uso de la red social facebook en el perfil de los estudiantes de séptimo grado de The King´s School David.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2015)The phenomenon of the construction of identity in socialnetworks specific studies have not registered in Panama and given its particularity and specificity achieved especially be studied by analyzing the perception and ... -
Estrategias sociales para la participación de las familias en el proceso educativo de sus hijos.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2018)This study offers the results of a qualitative research; developed in Aguacatón School, District of Barú. It has the purpose of knowing the participation, limitations and strategies that the family uses in the educative ... -
Competencia escritural en la formación docente de los estudiantes de educación primaria. Facultad de educación.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2021)This research was conducted from mid-2019 to March 2021; with the objective of evaluating the level of written competence in the teacher training of students of the Bachelor of Primary Education, in the Faculty of Education ... -
Representaciones sociales de la violencia en las relaciones de pareja.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2019)The purpose of this research is to analyse the process of construction of social representations based on the information provided by women victims of violence in their relationship from their daily life. It is important ... -
La reforma educativa de 1974 y su impacto histórico en el "Origen de la asociación de educadores chiriqcanos"(AECHI).
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2006)The research analyzed the different becoming stages the , asosiación de Educadores Chiricanos has come trough since its early days when it was known as the movimiento 22 de Septiembre. The movement stans up as a ... -
Conductas alimentarias de riesgo, autopercepción e insatisfacción de la imagen corporal en estudiantes de la Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2021)This research was conducted to evaluate the influence of risk behaviors for eating disorders on the self-perception and body image dissatisfaction of the students from the Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí (UNACHI). The ... -
Formación del talento humano y su incidencia en la calidad de los servicios turísticos y hoteleros. Licenciatura en gestión turística bilingüe, UDELAS, 2019-2022.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2022)The main purpose of this study has been to analyze the training of human talent and its impact on the quality of tourism and hotel services of the Bachelor of Bilingual Tourism Management of the Specialized University ... -
El uso de herramientas tecnológicas para potenciar las competencias digitales: experiencia en los estudiantes de licenciatura en educación primara de la facultad de ciencias de la educación- Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí 2019-2020.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2022)The following research has the general objective of analyzing the technological tools used by professors that can enhance digital competencies in students of the bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education of the Faculty ... -
Estrategias de afrontamiento en adolescentes proceso de guarda y crianza.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2018)La presente investigación tiene como finalidad analizar las estrategias de afrontamiento vivencias en los adolescentes ante el proceso de guarda y crianza. Para efectuar hasta investigación, se trabaja con tres adolescentes ... -
Diversidad de hyphomycetes acuáticos en hojarasca sumergida y espuma de la cuenca del río Palo Alto, Boquete, Chiriquí - Panamá.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2021)In lotic and lentic systems, fungal activity is very significant, because they are a primary bridge in the energy transfer in the trophic chain, they are the links of the fundamental food chain in the recycling of ... -
Familias reconstruidas: dinámica familiar.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2017)La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la dinámica familiar de las familias reconstituidas, es decir, la unión de una pareja en la cual alguno de los dos tiene hijos de la primera relación. Para realizar ... -
Evolución histórica del sistema democrático en Panamá y su impacto conyuntural en los aspectos político, económico y social del País.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2007)The four last decades on the Panama Republic has been characterized by deep contradictions, that has been taken influence on the panamenian livings this is shown on politics. Economics and social From the political paint ... -
Extracción de adn e implementación de técnicas de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa para identificar arroz, soya y maíz.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2021)Rice is considered the main food for most of the population, soybeans, as the legume with the highest protein value, and corn, as the cereal with the highest world production, are vegetables of great importance for ... -
Desarrollo histórico del movimiento federalista de Chiriquí, República de Panamá.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2005)The federalism and the decentralization have gained relevance nowdays as principle of political and administrative organization. This thesis determines the historical development of the federalist movement in Chiriqui. ... -
Viudedad en la mediana edad: retos ante la posibilidad de rehacer su vida amorosa.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2013)The study investigated the challenges that a middle-aged widow person has to face in the process of remake a relationship. The study was based on the experiences of four widows of both sexy, between the ages of fifty-five ... -
Modalidad virtual en la educación primaria.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2022)This research aims to analyze the challenges faced by parents in the virtual modality in primary education; since they become real and arise once the pandemic situation in the country is declared. This study is developed ... -
Desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional en adolescentes hijos de padres divorciados.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2016)The causes more common of request of assistance are related with young affected emotionally by problems associated to the period of adolescence: stage, which by itself is already conflict, in which the young man passes ... -
Estudio histórico del impacto de los extranjeros en el distrito de Boquete, durante los años 2003-2013.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2015)According to archaeological studies, the area near the Vulcan Barú was the site of the first agricultural societies and chiefdoms, dated between 300 BC. C. and 600 d. C. On Caldera many petroglyphs that show the presence ... -
Efecto de la elevación y el microclima en la diversidad de briófitos epífilos en el parque internacional la amistad (pila), panamá.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2018)Epiphyllous bryophytes are characteristic of fragile ecosystems with a high diversity of species, such as neotropical montane forests. These nonvascular plants are sensitive to environmental changes of the leaf ... -
Agentes causales y sensibilidad antimicrobiana en las infecciones urinarias de las gestantes de 15 a 50 años, ingresadas en el hospital materno infantil José Domingo De Obaldía en el periodo de enero 2019 a diciembre 2020.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí., 2021)Urinary tract infection is the most frequent bacterial infection observed in the outpatient setting: 1 in 3 women will develop a urinary infection that will require treatment with antibiotics before the age of 24 years ...