Repositorio Institucional JÄ DIMIKE: Recent submissions
Now showing items 301-320 of 693
Catálogo digital de frutas y vegetales en la provincia de Chiriquí.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2022)The research was based on the evaluation of the organizational climate and its impact on the quality of service of the administrative staff at University regional center of Baru (CRUBA), trying to determine in what way the ... -
Factores influyentes en el proceso de elaboración de tesis en los participantes del programa de doctorado en ciencias de la educación, UNACHI, 2018.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2019)The research called influent factors in the thesis elaboration process for scientific production and research activity of participants of the doctoral program in education sciens had as main objective to analyze the factors ... -
La práctica docente universitaria: modelos didácticos subyacentes.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2019)The new university didactic trends have produced substantial modifications in the professors' performance in the teaching profession which have been based on the theoretical foundations of constructivism, the socio-constructivism ... -
Factores que valoran los consumidores millennial y centennial sobre el servicio de última milla: utilizando las plataformas digitales de entregas a domicilio de comida y víveres.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2023-08-02)Food and essential goods delivery are increasingly used by retail companies within their services for last-mile delivery. The study seeks to determine the factors that estimate users of digital delivery platforms of ... -
Importancia de la Geografía Económica.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2023-08-02)This article shows the definition of what economic geography is, what its application represents, the importance of being able to know the behavior of the economy of the different regions of the country. It also mentions ... -
Gamificación laboral, pilar de las organizaciones inteligentes.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2023-08-02)Analyzing labor gamification as a productivity tool in intelligent organizations today, bases its epistemology on the theory of the inverted U or Yerkes & Dodson's Law that strengthens the saying" with Humor you work ... -
Simulaciones computacionales en el desarrollo de competencias académicas de estudiantes de física, XII grado de secundaria. Colegio Félix Olivares Contreras. 2019.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2019)In the Middle Education system of our country, the Ministry of Education (Medusa) has recently implemented the educational model by skills. In this model, teachers are looking for students to be builders of their own ... -
Gestión estratégica desde la segmentación de mercados en comunidades universitarias
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2023-08-02)Marketing strategies, like other variables of various disciplines, are based on focused management, in this sense it is necessary to optimize organizational processes from the achievement of goals from a ... -
Propuesta de enseñanza con la modalidad semi-presencial usando la plataforma Moodle como una herramienta de apoyo en el proceso de la calidad del programa en docencia superior de la Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2015)The Teaching Proposal with the semi-virtual modality using the Moodle platfom as a support tool in the quality process for the Higher Education Program at Universidad Autonoma de Chiriqui: Research presented by: Yonis ... -
Los alimentos transgénicos, mas que un mito, una realidad.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2023-08-02)Currently, transgenic crops have increased throughout the world. However, scientists around the world still do not agree on their safety. Consumer associations and some scientists argue that not enough tests have been ... -
La economía panameña en el contexto de la Covid-19 y las oportunidades derivadas de la economía circular como modelo de desarrollo sostenible.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2023-08-02)During the last three decades Panama has stood out as one of the fastest growing economies in the Latin American region, (1990-2019), with the arrival of the Covid-19 Pandemic, and the confinement ... -
Las técnicas e instrumentos de evaluación y su incidencia en el rendimiento académico. Zona escolar N°1. David, Chiriquí, 2019.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2021)Evaluation instruments and techniques are the necessary tools to obtain evidence of the students performance in the teaching and learning process. Therefore, evaluation should not only be a tool that forecasts information ... -
Ingeniería de software: uso del código QR para sistemas de información en tiempos de Covid-19 en Panamá.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2023-08-08)A disruptive development in digitization is the QR code, an information system designed to take advantage of registration space and make programs more efficient, gaining in software quality. It allows efficiency in ... -
Desempeño del tutor y su incidencia en las tesis de investigación de los participantes de maestrías de la facultad de enfermería de UNACHI.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2018)El presente estudio se centró en explicar desempeño del tutor y su incidencia en la tesis de investigación de los participantes de maestrías de la Facultad de Enfermería de UNACHI, distrito de David. Dicho estudio se enmarca ... -
Factores que inducen nomofobia a los estudiantes universitarios en la provincia de Chiriquí.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2023-08-02)In the present work an attitudinal analysis of university students in the province of Chiriquí, Republic of Panama is shown in search of the factors or individual situations that condition them to develop and suffer ... -
Niveles de contaminación acústica en las principales vías de la Ciudad de David.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2023-02-22)The main objective of this article was to evaluate the levels of noise pollution in the main streets of the city of David, Republic of Panama, caused by commercial activities, urban traffic, machinery, ... -
La provincia de Chiriquí es la No. 1 en el empleo del sector primario panameño, antes, durante y posterior al COVID-19.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2023-02-02)The province of Chiriquí is one of the main production centers, being attributed the first place in 52 primary activities of 81 identified throughout the national territory. The objective of this research is to determine ... -
Impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en las infraestructuras críticas de Panamá
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2023-02-22)The economic, political, and social security of a country depends on the proper functioning of its Critical Infrastructures (CI); the COVID-19 Pandemic brings with it a series of situations that have tested our CI systems, ... -
Estrategia de comunicación del estado para fomentar cultura ambiental, ciudadana, responsable del ambiente en la periferia urbana de la ciudad de David, y semiurbana de Puerto Pedregal, Provincia de Chiriquí, República de Panamá, 2013-2017.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2021)The present doctoral thesis titled State Communication Strategies to promote responsible citizen environmental culture, of the environment in the urban periphery of the city of David, and semi-urban areas of Puerto ... -
Ingeniería de servicios aplicada a los centros de cuidados del adulto mayor en la Provincia de Chiriquí
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2023-02-22)The analysis of the service in the care centers for the elderly was developed through two phases: evaluation of the current situation of the service and improvement of the service processes. The first phase stands out for ...