Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 97
Herramientas tecnológicas y su integración estratégica en la formación del profesorado: licenciatura de educación primaria.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2021)This investigation focuses on technological tools that facilitate the performance of the faculty of the Bachelor program in Elementary Education. The main objective is to analyze the technological tools that should be ... -
"Sistema de información geográfica: aplicaciones didácticas de la tecnología en la enseñanza innovadora de la geografía, UNACHI. 2018-2019".
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2019)The geographic information systems represent an integration of hardware and software used by scientists and researchers. These systems are useful for the study of Geography in the study of the human actions into the earth's ... -
Efectos de los programas de especialización en la escuela de español para incentivar la creación literaria UNACHI. 2018-2019
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2019)The creation of texts must be a pillar of every center of higher studies; well- trained professionals with these skills are needed; Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of a new Specialization ... -
Las habilidades lingüísticas del idioma inglés, una necesidad en los procesos de planificación didáctica docente e investigación del discente en el doctorado en ciencias de la educación de la facultad de ciencias de la educación de la Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2016-2018.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2018)In our days, there is a great demand on the academic development of individuals who need optimal levels of performance because of the continuous advances of humanity in areas such as science, communication and technology. ... -
Análisis crítico del currículum de geografía de 1° a 9° grado y su relevancia en la vida del profesional panameño, en la provincia de Chriquí durante los años 2009-2012.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2013)The aim is to validate through content analysis and objective review, yeah by year, the content to be studied from lst to 9th grade of existing curricula, prior knowledge of students, and the contents move progressively ... -
El aprendizaje colaborativo-significativo: la metacognición y el reaprender a hacer en la licenciatura en matemática en el Centro Regional Universitario Chiriquí Oriente (CRUCHIO).
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2022)This research was conducted at the University Regional Center of Chiriquí East, specifically with college students majoring in Mathematics and aims to contribute to the intellectual development of graduates by providing ... -
Perfil de egreso y la relevancia de la práctica profesional para el desarrollo de competencias en los estudiantes de la licenciatura en turismo, faculta de humanidades, UNACHI, 2018.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2019)The main objective of this research was to analyze the graduation profile and the relevance of the professional practice for the acquisition of competences in students of the Tourism Degree in the Faculty of Humanities. ... -
Competencias docentes y el rendimiento académico en los estudiantes de educación primaria: de la zona escolar 2, Barrio Lassonde y Nuevo Amanecer, Distrito de David, Provincia de Chiriquí, República de Panamá.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2018-10)The teachers' competences without doubts is an important role in Education, due to its recognition and the practice of them that allows teachers provide substantially in a good way to the students academic performance is ... -
Pertinencia entre la oferta académica de la licenciatura en administración de empresas, rol docente y el perfil del mercado laboral. 2008-2010.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2011)This work is focused on the academic offers problems of relevance with the Business Administration Bachelor with a systemic and renewed view for the trends in the Higher Education, according to UNESCO and the experiences ... -
Metodología docente asociada al desarrollo de competencias específicas en el área financiera. Facultad de administración de empresas. 2018-2019.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2019)The purpose of this research is to analyze the association that exists between the methodology used by the teacher in teaching and building specific skills in students with a degree in business administration with an ... -
Enseñanza y aprendizaje del inglés a través de la plataforma Edusoft (modalidad blended learning): estudiantes de primer año, facultad de administración de empresas y contabilidad, Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí. 2017-2019.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2019)The study Teaching and Learning of English through the EduSoft Platform (Blended Learning Modality): Freshman Students of the Faculty of Business Administration and Accounting of Universidad Autonoma de Chiriqui has as ... -
Estrategias metodológicas para propiciar el aprendizaje significativo dentro de la facultad de derecho. UNACHI, 2018-2019.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2019)Within this research, the main objective was to establish the importance of methodological strategies within the Teaching and Learning Process, to promote Significant Learning within the Faculty of Law and Political Science ... -
Factores educativos lingüísticos y de identidad cultural que influyen en los partos institucionales de las mujeres Ngäbes atendidas en el Hospital Materno Infantil José Domingo de Obaldia, David, Chiriquí.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2018)The multiplicity of people from diverse cultures that live in Panama originates, on many occasions, serious interaction problems, especially in the educational and health area. Frequently, such linguistic, educational and ... -
Estrategias de enseñanza y evaluación para la expresión oral y comprensión auditiva del idioma Inglés en los estudiantes del Colegio Francisco Morazán
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2018)This research is on teaching and assessment for listening comprehension and oral skills of the English language from tourism students of Francisco Morazán High School. It analyzes some factors that intervene and influence ... -
Modelo para evaluar la calidad de la educación del programa del profesorado de formación media diversificada de la facultad de ciencias de la educación.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2022)Society expects that the graduated students from the Profesorado en Media Diversificada, a semi-presencial program, will be suitable teachers who work in any educational institution. guaranteeing the teaching and learning ... -
Tendencias metodológicas en la enseñanza de la lectura, escritura y adquisición de la competencia comunicativa.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2019)Now a days, studies that evaluate the quality of teaching in Panama point that at the primary level, students do not achieve an acceptable performance in reading and writing. These processes provide the initial basis for ... -
Alcance de los indicadores sobre la calidad en la gestión docente, en los programas de pregrado de la escuela de contabilidad, faculta de administración de empresas y contabilidad. UNACHI 2017-2018.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2018)For superior education institutions, to get integrated to improving processes in teaching, is a major and effective challenge to assure educative quality due to a more demanding society and an aggressive competitive working ... -
Prácticas de simulación: estrategia para el desarrollo de competencias en estudiantes de la facultad de enfermería. Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2021)Nursing studies have incorporated clinical simulation practices as a teaching and learning method with the purpose of familiarizing the student with the environment or situations that they will have to face when performing ... -
Los softwares de aplicaicón turística : desarrollo de las competencias profesionales de los estudiantes de turismo de la facultad de humanidades. UNACHI 2017- 2019.
(2020)Globalization is a phenomenon that has brought an increase in the use of technological tools in many fields of human life. Education is not exempt from this reality- Quality education, for example, is a topic that is ... -
Conocimiento en museología para el desarrollo del pensamiento histórico de los estudiantes de la licenciatura en geografía e historia de la facultad de humanidades, UNACHI, 2018.
(Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 2019)The doctoral thesis called "Knowledge in museology for the development of historical thinking of student of the Bachelor's and History of the Faculty of Humanity, UNACH, 2018" has as its primary objetive to analyze the ...